How to use OnlyKey with Qubes OS

Qubes OS Support

Qubes OS is a security-oriented operating system that uses virtual machines that are compartmentalized and securely isolated. These securely isolated compartments are called qubes. OnlyKey is supported on Qubes OS in the same way as USB keyboards (USB HID).

Basic Setup Instructions

The following setup instructions walk through the process of configuring dom0 and a USB qube so that OnlyKey will function as a keyboard and be able to communicate with the OnlyKey app (required for TOTP).

Step 1 - Create a USB qube - Follow the instructions here to create a USB qube.

Step 2 - Enable USB Keyboard Support - As described here configure dom0 so that OnlyKey will function as a keyboard by adding the following line to the top of the file /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.InputKeyboard.

sys-usb dom0 allow,user=root

Note: The above assumes your USB qube is called sys-usb

This will permit OnlyKey (and any other USB keyboard) to immediately operate as a keyboard in all VMs (without attaching the OnlyKey to a VM). However, OnlyKey requires accurate time for the TOTP feature to work. Complete step 3 below to if TOTP support is required.

Install OnlyKey App

Step 3 - Install OnlyKey App - The OnlyKey app is available as a .deb file here. If your USB qube is based on Debian, you should be able to simply download the file in an appVM and move it to your USB qube. You then install the .deb file, like this:

dpkg -i OnlyKey_5.1.0_amd64.deb

If your USB qube is based on a non-debian Linux distribution and the .deb file is incompatible there are two additional options available.

Option 1 - Use one of the alternative Linux install methods for the OnlyKey App described here.

Option 2 - Install the OnlyKey Python Command-Line Utility from here. With this installed you can set the time on OnlyKey as follows:

onlykey-cli settime

This command may be set to run whenever the USB device is connected by using the UDEV rules here and following the instructions here.

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